Census Support provides access to and support for the resources of the population censuses from 1971 to 2011. Includes the output of the census geography data and look-up tables, the aggregate statistics, the flow (interaction) data, anonymised microdata, and digitised boundary datasets of the UK for use with GIS.
The population census is a vital resource for social scientific research and policy development, providing a snapshot of demographic and social life in the UK that helps inform government policy at local and central level. As part of the newly established UK Data Service registration is required. Currently access is only available to academic users. Some data, such as Samples of Anonymised Records (SARS) may require registered users to agree to special licence conditions before use. UK Data Service Census Support covers the census services previously provided by the Census Dissemination Unit (CDU), the Centre for Census and Survey Research (CCSR) the Centre for Interaction Data Estimation and Research (CIDER) and UKBORDERS.
Some useful guides about different census data: