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Guide to using Reading Lists

Link to Reading Lists:


A. Get started


Before you can get started with Reading Lists you need to do the following:

  1. Log in
  2. Create your user profile
  3. Add the bookmarklet (bookmarking extension)



1: Log in


Click on the login button above or go to

Reading Lists home page with log in circled in red. Search box below.

Log in with your University username and password.


2: Create your user profile



Step-by-step guide

Click Create profile.

Complete the form, including your name and institutional email address

Choose whether to make your profile public or private

Text reads 'Edit profile'. Below is a form with fields for Full name, Surname, email address and I'd describe myself as. The privacy setting on the form is set to Public.


Decide how you want to describe yourself

Dropdown menu for 'I'd describe myself as' has been expanded. The option 'An academic' is highlighted in blue.


Click Save profile


3: Add the bookmarklet extension to your web browser


When added to your browser, the bookmarklet extension enables you to capture resources from around the web.  You can then either add these to your My Bookmarks page for future use, or insert them directly into a reading list.

The bookmarklet extension is currently supported by Chrome, Firefox, and Edge



Step-by-step guide

The extension is currently available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox. For Safari please contact for assistance. 


Adding to Chrome 

1. Follow this link to open the Chrome extension 

2. Click on Add to Chrome

Add to Chrome


3. Select Add extension

Add Extension


You’ll now need to configure your extension to work with the University of Southampton reading list tenancy: 

4. Right-click on the Talis logo which is now visible in your toolbar 


5. Select ‘Options’ and select your university name and save

Choose Institution


Now you can start bookmarking by clicking on the Talis icon in your extensions toolbar.  



Adding the Bookmarklet extension to Microsoft Edge 

More recent versions of the Edge browser are based on Chromium and users can install the Chrome bookmarking extension. To do this you should go to the Extensions menu within your browser and then Allow Extensions from other stores (for further details on how to do this, see the video entitled Bookmarklet Extension). Instructions for installing the Chrome version are available above - note that the installation screen still reads 'Add to Chrome', however the extension will install within your Edge browser. 


Adding to Firefox 

1. Follow this link to the Firefox Add-ons menu 

2. Search for Talis Aspire 

3. Click on Add to Firefox



4. Click on Add

Add Talis


5. Right-click on the Talis icon that has now appeared in your bookmarks bar and choose Manage Extension

Manage Extension


6. On the preferences tab, select University of Southampton from the drop-down and click Save

Choose Institution


B. Create your list


In this section we show you how to:

  1. Find existing reading lists and edit/update them
  2. Create a new list
  3. Create a new list from an existing template
  4. Add a list you have created to a hierarchy





1: Find existing reading lists and edit/update them

You need to be logged in to view reading lists and check whether a list is already on the system before creating a new list.

On the Home page, start typing your module code into the search box.

Here is an example where a reading list already exists:

Existing Reading List

Here is an example where no list is available yet:

No List Available


If no list is available yet you can create a new list.


2: Create a new list


Go to My lists and click on Create a new list

Click on Select Hierarchy box

Start typing in the module code and select the correct module when it appears

Select the correct module and copy the module code and name as displayed

Copy Module

Check to ensure student numbers are displayed. If not, please enter student numbers and then Save

Now paste the module name into the List Name so that it displays in the same format as the module name.  Here is an example:  HIST3042 – From Tyranny to Revolution

Select the Academic Year and Create List

Select Academic YEar

Now you can start adding resources to your list


3: Make a copy from an existing list


Go to My lists

Click on the 3 dots by the list that you want to copy and select Copy to a new list

Copy to New List


Or, if you are a list editor you can copy any existing list from the Edit menu.

Go to My lists. Select the list you want to copy

Click on Edit and select Copy list from the dropdown menu

Copy List


Give your list a new name, description and year, and add to a hierarchy. If you want to assign your list to a different hierarchy uncheck the hierarchy option and follow instructions in 4b

Click on Create list


4: Add your list to the hierarchy


Go to My lists and select a reading list

Click on Edit and select Hierarchy and student numbers

Hierarchy and Student Numbers


Type in the module name or code and click Save





C. Structure your list


Sections enable you to group sub-sections or resources together. You can customise the structure to suit your students. Common list structures include:

  • Week by week. Each section contains reading identified for that particular week.
  • Importance. Resources can be labelled as 'essential' or 'additional reading'. 
  • Resources can be grouped in sections thematically.




1: Add paragraphs and sections


Click on My lists and select the list you want to work on

My Lists


Click on one of the options under Empty list! Start by adding a resource, paragraph or section


Clicking on Paragraph brings up a text box. Add a description or explanation for your list or section



Clicking on Section enables you to divide your list into sections by week or by theme

Note: if you delete a section you will delete all content within that section (resources and text).


2: Add notes and guidance


  • Add notes for students (eg, ‘read chapter 10’}
  • Add notes for the library (eg, to tell us if you prefer a particular edition or if you have a loan period preference).


Click on the three dots next to the title

Three Dots


From the drop-down menu select Note for students or Note for library


Add your note and click Save


D. Add resources using the bookmarklet extension




  1. Add library resources to your list: books, ebooks
  2. Add library resources to your list: journal article
  3. Add other resources to your list: websites, streamed videos
  4. Add resources to your list from your My Bookmarks folder
  5. Add new orders to your list


1. Add library resources to your list: books, ebooks


Open the library catalogue, search for the resource you need and click on the bookmarklet extension at the top right of your screen

Bookmarklet Extension


Check that the data is correct. If the title is an ebook ensure that the Online Resource box is ticked

Online Resources


Click on Create and add to list

Select your reading lists in the pop-up window, add a note for students or for the library. Remember to set importance to essential or additional. Choose where to position the item in your list. Then click OK to add the resource to your chosen list. 

Create and Add

Refresh your list to see the new resource


2. Add library resources to your list: journal articles


Log in to Reading Lists and select a list to work on

Search for the article you need (via LibrarySearch or another relevant database)

Check that we have access to the full text of the article

Full Text Article


Open the full text of the journal article and click on the bookmarklet extension



Check that the data is correct. Make sure that the Online Resource box is ticked.

Click on Create and add to list

Select from the dropdown menu which list you’d like to add the article to, add a note for students or for the library. Remember to set importance to essential or additional. Choose where to position the item in your list. Then click OK to add the resource to your chosen list.

Create and Add

Refresh your list to see the new resource


3: Add other online resources to your reading list: websites, streamed videos


Find the relevant online resource and click on the bookmarklet extension

Manually Add

Click on Create and add to list


Select the reading list you’d like to add the resource to, add notes if relevant and set importance. Then click OK to add the resource to your chosen list

Create and Add



4: Add resources to your list from your My bookmarks folder


Your My bookmarks folder can be used to create a collection of resources which can be added to reading lists later.

Open My Bookmarks from the Reading list Homepage

My Bookmarks


Click on the three vertical dots and select Add to list


Search for your reading list, choose where to position the title and add other useful information. Click on the blue Add to list button.

Click Blue Button


5: Add new orders to your reading list

You can use the reading list system to request resources.

Find the resource online and add it to your list using the Bookmarklet extension. Once added send your finished list to Review and the library will try to source the item for you.

The following title is not in the library catalogue but is available from Amazon


Click on the Bookmarklet extension

Bookmarking from Amazon


Check that the data is correct

Choose from your reading lists, add a note for students or for the library. Remember to set importance to essential or additional (this will ensure the library purchases sufficient copies for your course). Choose where to position the item in your list. Then click OK to add the resource to your chosen list.

Remember to select Publish and Review when you have finished adding resources to your list


E. Edit your list


  1. Set importance to essential or additional reading
  2. Move things around
  3. Delete items from your list




1: Set importance to essential or additional reading

Set importance when you add the title to your list, by choosing from the drop-down menu

Set Importance


Or set importance later, by clicking on Importance not set


2: Move things around

Click and drag the double arrows to Move up or Move down


OR alternatively, if moving the resource to a different section or page, use the Cut and Paste options (displayed below) by clicking on the three dots next to a title or section


3: Delete items from your list

Click on the three dots and select Delete

Delete Items



F. Request digitisations from books, journals etc.





Go to My Lists or Reading list Homepage and open a reading list. Find the title of the book/journal you want to request a digitised chapter/article from. If the source isn't already on your list, add it to your list (see section D "Add resources to your list")

Click on the three dots next to the title and select the Edit option



Within the Edit menu select the Add field drop-down menu at the bottom of the record

Scroll down and select the Has part (Chapter, Article etc.) and add to the book record


A second tab will appear at the top of the book record

Select Chapter or Article for 'Resource type' and fill in the title details of the chapter/article

Add the additional fields 'Author' and 'Pages' via the Add field option at the bottom of the page. Your record should look like this


This opens a request form where the bibliographic details of the book, chapter, author and page numbers are automatically transferred across. Check all details clicking Next - please note that without the correct information (page numbers, title, editions, etc.) your request may be delayed.


In the next screen select the date the digitisation is required (please note we work with a 21 days lead-in time). The Course name and Course code will automatically copy across in the last two fields.


Clicking Next will submit your request and ensures the library will be notified of your request. We will process your request and upload the link to the digitised item to your reading list if it is eligible for digitisation. If the request is not eligible we will contact you to discuss alternative options.



G. Review and publish your list


  1. Assign a list owner
  2. Request a review
  3. Publish your list





1: Assign a list owner

Click on Edit and select Assign list owner. You can assign yourself or choose another member of staff.

Assign a List Owner


2: Request a review


If you have added new items to your list it should be sent for review.  The library review will ensure: 1. we have sufficient copies (or the appropriate licence if an e-book); 2. the editions are correct; 3. all the links to electronic resources work.

You will also receive a confirmation email when the review is complete.

To request a review, click on the Publish & Review option displayed on the yellow band at the top of your list


Alternatively select the Edit option and then Request review


3: Publish your list

Any changes to a list are automatically saved but these changes cannot be viewed by students until the list has been published.

Click the Publish button


You can see the status of all your reading lists in My lists