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Criminology: Theses & Dissertations

University of Southampton Theses and Dissertations

The Library holds doctorate level (e.g. PhD) theses submitted to this University and these are listed on Library Search. Some theses are available in full-text on ePrints Soton.

Masters and undergraduate dissertations in the Social Sciences are held in the Faculty.

Theses from other Universities

Increasingly theses are being made freely available online, so it is worth searching Google if you are looking for a specific thesis.

Theses and dissertations submitted to UK institutions may be requested by Inter-library Loan (ILL).  It is also possible to request ILLs from overseas institutions but this can take many weeks and requests may be refused.  Also note that requesting items from overseas can be very costly to the Library and, therefore, we ask that non-essential requests are avoided.

Key Databases

Use a database to search for references to theses.  DART-Europe also provides the full-text of many theses.

Subject Guide