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Creative Industries: Images, films and primary sources

Creative Industries at Winchester School of Art

Subculture Archives

Finding free stock images online

This guide by Red Stag Fulfillment explains Creative Commons and Public Domain licenses, and offers advice on where to find free stock photos online.

Online image databases

Artists' films

British Artists' Film and Video Study Collection

British Artists' Film & Video Study Collection is a unique research collection dedicated to the work of UK and international moving image artists. Founded in 2000 by David Curtis, it comprises of copies of film and video works, publications, paper documents, posters as well as other material relating to artists’ moving image such as exhibitions, events, and institutions. 

Film and Video Umbrella

FVU commissions, curates and produces artists’ moving-image works, and presents them in collaboration with galleries and other cultural partners across the UK.


A portal site for information on international artists' film and video. Search artists' from an alphabetical list or by using image galleries.


Luxonline is a publicly available resource devoted to British film and video artists. Stream video clips, and access new writings, past articles and biographies which provide a comprehensive contextual background to the artists featured on the site.

Browse Luxonline’s unique content by artist, work title, or by exploring themes such as abstraction and installation. The site also features a historical timeline of key events in artists’ film and video from 1900- present day, and virtual tours created by leading curators and writers.

BoB National - over 1 million programmes available online


Finding Films Online