The Library welcomes relevant donations for books and other published materials if they meet our collecting criteria which are outlined in Appendix B: Donations Policy.
If you want to donate items to us, please:
Please review Appendix B: Donations Policy on the Collection Policy page
Check Library Search to see if the library already has these materials
These steps will reduce the chances of offering the Library items already in the collections.
If the donation is large or complex, please contact to discuss the donation further.
The library is constantly refreshing its collection to ensure it is relevant to student learning, teaching and research activities. The principles we use which guide us on how we do this can be found by reading the Collection Policy.
The library observes the University’s sustainability strategy and any items considered unsuitable for library service stock will be sold or otherwise recycled through our second hand book partner. Any money raised from this activity is reinvested back to the library through the purchase of new collection materials. The library does not sell books directly to staff, students or the public and if you are interested in purchasing a book the library holds there are several reputable online second hand book stores you may try including AbeBooks, Better World Books, Oxfam Books, eBay, AnyBook.