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E-books on demand: Home

E-book availability at Southampton University Library.


Thousands of additional e-books are now available to you.


How does it work?

University staff and students can read and download thousands of additional e-books across all subject-areas. These titles are made available using the evidence-based-acquisitions model, meaning that we have paid an upfront payment to allow our users to access either a complete collection, or significant tranches of e-books which would be unaffordable through a traditional purchasing model. Our users will have unlimited access to these e-books for a 12 month period, after which the library will select e-books for purchase and perpetual access based on usage. In other words, the library will acquire what users need.


Which publishers are included?


Cambridge University Press

20,000 titles

Coverage in all subject areas


De Gruyter

58,000 titles in the humanities and social sciences

Coverage: Architecture & Design; Asian Studies; Business & Economics; Classical Studies; Cultural Studies; German Studies; History; Islamic Studies; Jewish Studies; Linguistics & Literary Studies; Materials Sciences; Philosophy; Social Sciences; and Theology & Religion.



16,000 titles

Coverage in all subject areas


Oxford University Press

15,000 titles

Coverage: Humanities; Sciences; Social Sciences; Medicine; and Law.

It includes access to over 16,000 e-books from the celebrated scholarly list of Oxford University Press, covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law. The OSO collections includes: Biology, Business and Management, Classical Studies, Economics and Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Neuroscience, Palliative Care, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health and Epidemiology, Religion, and Social Work.

Please NOTE that OSO is an open platform which means that you can preview table of contents and abstracts for all titles, but full text is only available for owned titles. Titles that are owned by the University of Southampton  appear with an open green padlock unlocked = Unlocked. Titles not owned by the University of Southampton appear with a closed red padlock restrcited= Restricted. The resource in numbers...16,000+ books in 20 subject modules and  370+ sub disciplines, written by 19,000+ authors, from 2,600+ institutions, located in 90+ countries and updated 12 times a year.  You can access a user guide on the main features and benefits of the site with instructional video available at


Taylor and Francis

2,627 titles

Coverage  in all subject areas


Wiley Online Library

17,000 titles

Coverage in all subject areas