UK market research reports covering business finance, business technology, business healthcare, leisure, clothing and footwear retail, retail banking and e-commerce.
Provides statistics and in depth reports on companies, industries and countries worldwide. Includes consumer trends, demographic data, socioeconomic data, macroeconomic data and global reports.
Business Source Complete offers access to video content from the Associated Press, the world’s leading news agency. Videos relevant to the search terms will appear in a carousel in the result list. With footage from 1930 to the present and updated monthly, this collection of more than 77,000 videos covers a wide variety of topics.
Statista is an extensive statistics platform covering over 1.5 million data sets (and adding an additional 500 day) with revenue forecasts from 2015 to 2020 on over 400 industries. Data is collected from over 18,000 sources covering over 75,000 different topics. Further information
Gartner is a global research and advisory firm providing information, advice, and tools for leaders in IT, finance, HR, customer service and support, communications.