The Hartley Library uses the Library of Congress classification scheme for subjects other than Education which uses Dewey Decimal Classification. Floor 5 of Hartley holds the main collection of books for English:
Call Number | Subject |
PN | Comparative Literature & Literary Theory |
PR | English Literature |
PS | American Literature |
When you enter the details of the item that you want on the library catalogue, it will display a call number or code that tells you where the item is shelved.
The call number will usually look something like this example:
PR 4560 BRO
The combinations of letters and numbers gives a location based on the subject content of the item. The items are arranged on the shelves using the call numbers.
The library floor plan will show you where items with particular call numbers are stored.
The Library has many dictionaries and encyclopaedias, including biographical dictionaries, subject dictionaries and specialist encyclopaedias.
A user guide can be found at
University of Southampton PhD/ MPhil theses
University of Southampton Undergraduate / Masters dissertations
SCONUL Access is a scheme which allows many university library users to borrow or use books and journals at other libraries which belong to the scheme, The scheme covers most of the university libraries in the UK and Ireland.
You can sign up for the scheme on the SCONUL website.