The Hartley Library’s Special Collections include the Anglo-Jewish Archives, Wellington Papers, Broadlands Archive, rare books and printed collections such as the Parkes Library and Cope Collection.
Library Search is a single search service providing discovery and access across the Library’s physical and digital collections. You can search across our books and e-books, journals, newspapers, other scholarly materials owned, hosted, or licensed by the University Library, and some subject databases. Login to see everything you can access.
Library catalogue for the public libraries in Southampton. Collections include fiction, non-fiction, Music CDs, DVDs, Childrens books, ebooks, e-journals, local history and access to variety of electronic databases (for members of the libraries). Membership of the Southampton City Libraries is free to all people. You can join at any branch of the library or join the library online by following the link from the catalogue.
The Library Catalogue contains details of all the materials, i.e. books, journals, DVDs, Music CDs and other materials are held in the Library. Students from other universities can apply to visit the Southampton Solent University Library through the Sconul Access scheme, please ask staff at your site library for further information.
The Archives Hub brings together descriptions of thousands of the UK’s archive collections. Representing over 350 institutions across the country, the Archives Hub is an effective way to discover unique and often little-known sources to support your research. New descriptions are added every week, often representing collections being made available for the first time.
You can search the collections of the 48 National Libraries of Europe and leading European Research Libraries. You can cross-search and reuse over 28,627,026 digital items and 175,511,348 bibliographic records.
Explore the British Library (the National Library of the United Kingdom) allows you to search records for the Library's holdings of books, journals, newspapers, conferences, maps, scores etc.; 5 million records of British Library Sound Archive items; records for trade literature collected since the mid-1980s; thousands of electronic journal and book records and hundreds of database records
In Explore the British Library the electronic journals and book records are on the whole linked to subscription services, and owing to licensing agreements are only available from British Library workstations within the Library’s Reading Rooms and Business IP Centre. Some of the electronic resources are however freely available on the web. Explore the British Library was formerly known as the British Library Integrated Catalogue.
The new Library Hub Discover, provides access to details of materials held in many UK national, academic and specialist libraries.
Library Hub Discover currently contains 39,620,869 records created from 93,299,858 records contributed by 110 institutions.
Library Hub Discover replaces Copac and SUNCAT, offering increased coverage of university libraries along with new facilities and improved response times.
US National Library Catalog: contains approximately 14 million records representing books, serials, computer files, manuscripts, cartographic materials, music, sound recordings, and visual material
Library Search is a single search service providing discovery and access across the Library’s physical and digital collections. You can search across our books and e-books, journals, newspapers, other scholarly materials owned, hosted, or licensed by the University Library, and some subject databases. Login to see everything you can access.
You can search a regional resource discovery tool; providing one stop access to the library catalogues of nearly 60 world-renowned institutions and specialist collections within the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries — helping you easily locate resources from across London and the South-East.
WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services including theses and dissertations from over 70,000 library catalogues worldwide. It lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world. You may also find article citations with links to their full text; authoritative research materials, such as documents and photos of local or historic significance; and digital versions of rare items that aren't available to the public.
No password required.
To search for theses or dissertations, go to the Advanced Search and select 'Thesis/dissertations' under 'Content'.