Overdue Items
You must return or renew items to us by the due date shown on your Library account (link here) If you do not return or renew them by that date, the item becomes 'overdue'.
We do not charge you for items that become overdue. However, we will put a block on your library account. This means that you will not be able to borrow or renew items or request interlibrary loans until you have returned the overdue item. We will lift the block once the item is returned.
Lost or damaged items
If you lose or damage something you have borrowed from us, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing libenqs@soton.ac.uk
Charges for lost or damaged items
We usually charge for lost or damaged items - our costs are shown below:
Contact us
Library Online Store | Direct link |
Archives & Special Collections Publications | https://go.soton.ac.uk/gr6 |
Library Services (main page) | http://go.soton.ac.uk/5p6 |
Students - book/replacement item | http://go.soton.ac.uk/5ot |
Staff - book/replacement item | http://go.soton.ac.uk/5oz |
Community members - book/replacement item | http://go.soton.ac.uk/5p5 |
Community members - paid membership Please also fill out the community membership form |
http://go.soton.ac.uk/5p4 |
Public membership with borrowing right up to 10 items - £42 per year, renewable
Free of charge with borrowing rights of up to 10 items
Free of charge without borrowing rights
(student) will need to pay for printing and photocopying. Please see Printing for Students for more information. If you want to top up your print credit, please visit: Print credit.
Photocopying services are available for visiting community members.To access this, create a personal account online by going to MyPrint, clicking on 'Register as a new guest user' and follow the instructions. As we are a cashless campus you will need to be able to electronically add money to the account. Add only what funds you think you will need as refunds are not possible.