This tour will introduce you to our site, collections and pandemic safety measures.
The National Oceanographic Library is located on the fourth floor of the National Oceanography Centre.
You access the National Oceanography Centre through a revolving door, once through the door continue up these stairs. Access to the fourth floor is also available to the left of these stairs via the lift.
Information about accessing our libraries can be found here:
Currently the National Oceanographic Library is closed, we are offering a 'click and collect' service.
To reach the library, continue up all stairs to fourth floor.
At the top of stairs continue through these double doors and continue walking straight ahead.
To access the library continue through the access barriers.
To gain access through these barriers you will need to have your staff / student card with you.
Once through the barriers, continue straight ahead through the doorway, you will now see the library on your left.
There are cleaning stations throughout NOC, this cleaning station is available opposite the library entrance.
Also opposite the library entrance you will find the library returns box. You can return all library related material here.
Once you have entered the library, you will see some hand sanitiser. Please use this before entering any further in to the library.
As you enter the Library you will see our Welcome Desk, this is Level 4 of the library.
NOL is not currently open for use apart from our Click and Collect service, but we have installed a safety screen around our Welcome Desk ready for when we are. Please ensure you maintain physical distancing if you need to speak to staff at the desk.
Our self-service machine is next to the Course Collection. To use our Click & Collect service use the 'Place Hold' option in our catalogue, WebCat, to reserve books.
Once on site use this machine to issue your click and collect material, which you will find on the trolley to the left of this machine. You will need to have your student / staff card with you.
If you have problems using the machine, please ask a member of staff to help you.
Next to the machine is cleaning materials. Please use these before and after using the touch-screen, and place the used wipes in the bin provided.
When you look at the collection on level 4, the main book stock is located on the left stacks, to the right is our academic skills books collection and the start of the journal sequence.
The Welcome Desk is to the right, and the central aisle is one way.
At the back of the floor you will find a fire exit.
You will also find two Assistive Technology computers, and four university computers.
When using our study spaces and / or desktop PC's, please wipe down the areas you use before and after use with surface wipes and place in bins provided.
You will see signs on the study desks / desktop PC's to indicate which are available for use. These signs are in place to ensure physical distancing.
At the back of the floor, turn right towards the windows following the one way system.
To the right are the study desks available on level four. You will see signs on the desks to indicate which desks are available.
Please remember to wipe down the desks before and after use.
Continue pass the study desks with the windows to the left. You have now reached another set of desktop PC's.
You will see signs to indicate which are available for use. These signs are in place to ensure physical distancing.
To the right of this area is the library office, and the lift to take you to all floors within the library only.
Walk towards the library exit and there are more study spaces.
Turn to face the Welcome Desk, to the left are the stairs leading you up to level five. Please make sure you give way with only one person using the staircase at a time.
Level 5 is available for study space. Please remember to clean the study desks before and after use.
There is a fire exit from level 5 which is next to the Red Library Room.
A cleaning station is available at the top of the stairs.
Use these stairs to go back to level 4 of the library.
At the bottom of the stair case turn right and walk in front of the Welcome Desk.
Continue round until you come to the stair case which will lead you to level 2, another cleaning station is located here. Please make sure you give way with only one person using the staircase at a time.
Level 2 has a one way system in place and is a quiet study area.
Turn left at the bottom of the stairs to access the study desks.
To the right of the stair case are two PC's.
At the bottom of the stairs continue straight on to access the journals and report collections.
Turn right at the back of the floor to walk towards one of the fire exits on level 2 and the study desks.
Walking in front of the windows you will see some study desks.
Continue walking straight ahead will bring you to the other fire exit on level 2.
Follow the one way system to return to the stairs to lead back to Level 4.
At the top of the stairs follow the one way system to exit through the doors you entered the library.