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Library Orientation Programme: Home

Embedded teaching programme for new undergraduate students

Library Orientation Programme

  • This programme is for all new undergraduate students as part of your module SOES1017 and a link to this site has been embedded in your course module on BlackBoard 
  • You should aim to work through the materials over 3 weeks and as an independent learner you will need to plan time to do this around your lectures, seminars and other learning activities.
  • This progamme includes practical exercises where you will need to email some information to the module leader Dr Kerri Dobson.
  • You should complete the overall Library Orientation Programme test in BlackBoard to demonstrate that you have engaged with this programme


Welcome to the Library Orientation Programme

These activities will help you build and develop essential library research skills to support your studies.

When you have completed all 4 sessions you should take the test in BlackBoard SOES1017 to indicate that you have engaged with the Library Orientation Programme course.

Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this Library Orientation Programme you will be able to :-

  • search for books from a reading list using the library catalogue
  • prepare a search strategy to effectively find the best information for an assessed assignment
  • list criteria you can use to evaluate the information that you discover
  • use a literature database recommended for Oceanography and Earth Science to retrieve appropriate journal articles related to a piece of assessed work for your module
  • describe how to use information responsibly through careful use of citations and referencing with two different referencing styles.

Click on the Getting started section to begin.

If you have questions or need advice please contact: Karen Rolfe at

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