The University of Southampton Library holds few inter-governmental organisations’ (IGOs) publications, with the exception of those issued by the European Union (EU). Apart from the EU publications, our IGO publications are not shelved together in a single location, they are dispersed amongst the books. Use Library Search to find call numbers.
Many websites offer a search facility but it is often more effective to search a website via Google. Use Google's Advanced Search and limit by site or domain (e.g. You could also select PDF as ‘File type’, to retrieve whole documents as opposed to web pages.
If you identify a small number of publications that are not available online, we may be able to get them on Inter-library Loan. Please provide a full reference and any useful additional information with your request.
If you have the name of a specific document, try a Google search. Otherwise, you could go to the inter-governmental organisations’ official websites.
For United Nations programmes, agencies and funds see Web site locator for the United Nations System of Organization.
A few libraries in the UK have extensive holdings of inter-governmental organisations’ publications. Books and journals tend to appear on library catalogues, but other official documents may not.
The two libraries which are most accessible and have good collections are the London School of Economics and The British Library. In addition to print, the British Library has a number of full-text electronic resources which can be accessed from their reading room in London. We recommend that you email a named official publications librarian for further information on the collections and to ask about access arrangements.
Do not visit another library without checking that they have what you need and that you can get access. To visit the London School of Economics, you should join SCONUL Access. To use the British Library you must register for a Reader Pass.
Please ask if you would like help finding a library or planning a visit.