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Research Data Management Resources: Depositing

Factors to Consider

You may want to consider the following when submitting a publication:

  • Do you know where and how the (underlying) data is stored?
  • Do you need this data to be made available longer term?
  • How will the data be managed and preserved?
  • When submitting data to a third pary ensure you are not transferring copyright and/or database rights.
  • Under what terms will users access the data (e.g. licenses)?

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Where to Deposit your Data

You are welcome to deposit your research data with the University of Southampton - we can handle MB and GB quantities. (If you have more please contact us before depositing.) These will be retained securely for at least 10 years as per the university Research Data Management Policy.

If you have an option to deposit in a repository associated with your funder, or your publication will pays for deposit in Dryad it is worthwhile considering this. You may find the Registry of Research Data Repositories useful to find out what disciplinary repositories exist in your research area.


Image by Mandiberg, Michael (2009). CC-BY-SA

Requesting a DOI

We can register a DOI for your dataset through DataCite - this gives a persistent link and can make it easier to cite.

For more details see our DOI for data page.


Why deposit?

  • increases visibility of your research
  • may enhance your reputation
  • making the data associated with a publication available may increase citations
  • archiving provides long-term safe storage for data
  • increasingly funders and sometimes journals expect or encourage this
  • enable collaborations on related themes and new topics
  • establish links to next generation of researchers