See also the main Pure FAQ page
It may be easier to answer this by explaining what happens after you upload your publication in Pure.
Some key issues to check:
If none of the above explain why the publication is not showing, the problem is likely to be with the staff profile webpages themselves rather than with the output deposit in Pure. The editorial team in the Library have no capacity to correct problems with the publications list display on staff profile webpages. The dedicated team to correct these staff profile display problems is the Digital User Experience team and they have a form they request you fill in so they can investigate:
Follow the claims/disclaims process see the Claim a Research output in Pure handout.
These may have been based on 'Shelves' a functionality that is no longer available since Pure went live. The guidance for replacement Pure functionality is available. (Note ECS/Physics/ORC webpages work in a different way - please contact iSolutions.)
This can be caused either by there being duplicate deposits in Pure for the same research output, or because there is a problem with the staff profile publications web pages not syncing correctly from ePrints. If there are duplicate deposits in Pure, the ePrints team can merge them - please contact If the problem is caused by staff profile pages not synching correctly, the Digital User Experience team will need to correct this – please use the form to contact them.
A way to quickly check which of these two problems is the cause, is to click on the output title in your staff profile publication list, which will take you to the ePrints Soton record. For each duplicate title on your staff profile webpage, if it links to the same ePrint record (look for the 6 digit number in the URL (web address) e.g. it is a synching problem rather than a problem in Pure.
Each Pure record has two IDs – a short user-friendly id and a UUID that is machine friendly.
The first is visible in the top left hand corner of a saved record. This is a useful ID if you are communicating with the ePrints team.
The second is held in the system information tab on the Display screen. On the left-hand side, locate and click on ‘Display’. On the top right locate and click on ‘System info’. You will find the UUID in the middle of the page. The UUID is required for the creation of key publications and individual publication lists on profile pages in Site Publisher.
See the PDF guide below for how to find UUIDs for Projects and Organisational units.
At the bottom of record’s window is a grey bar which will display ‘Status’ as either ‘in progress’, ‘for validation’, for re-validation’ or ‘validated’.
When you go to your research output the default is to display only those that you are associated with in some way. To be able to search all content click on ‘My content’ and remove the filter
University staff are required to add their own research outputs to Pure. The ePrints team can add outputs for new members of staff (i.e. they joined within the last 6 months) and this is most efficiently done if you can provide a file from your previous institution’s repository that can be uploaded for you. Please contact for advice. Adding outputs for new staff cannot always be prioritised by the ePrints team and is dependent on current workflow demands. The ePrints team is always happy to provide training on depositing into Pure to new starters
The ePrints team ( can advise on this.
Add a project relation to your publication/dataset etc. (this is towards the bottom of the edit screen). Most projects have been imported from Agresso – so metadata can be poor for older ones. Try searching by PI name, Grant Number or part of the title.
For unfunded projects you can create one yourself in Pure.
Contact for further details.
The ePrints ( team will do this where appropriate.
The best way to search is to use the advanced search using title, or uuid.
If the record was added to Pure in the last week, they can also search under Latest Additions in ePrints (ask them to use CTRL+F to search for their record on the page).
If it’s an older record, you can look up the ePrint ID from Pure (look at the bottom of the record for IDs of type 'researchoutputwizard').
They may also be able to search using Google.
Contact the Pure team (
See Chapter 13 of the Pure Manual and the ORCiD LibGuide.
Organisational units in Pure are taken from the HR system. Adding additional units is possible with Associate Dean Research approval, and filling in a form to make the request.