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Library Services FAQs: Returning books by post

Key information about using University of Southampton Libraries

UK-based staff and students

You can return borrowed library books without charge if you are in the UK. See the Collect+ information below to print a label and drop off items at one of thousands of locations around the UK. This service is also open to UK-based students, academics and postgraduate researchers who have left the University.

Overseas-based staff and students 

We regret that you are not eligible for the postal returns service. If you have books to return, please post them to: Hartley Library, University of Southampton, University Road, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom.

ClickSit Collect+ postal returns

If you are a UK-based member of the University of Southampton you can use our tracked postal return service to return library books. This is funded by the University and you will not have anything to pay. This service is also open to UK-based students, academics and postgraduate researchers who have left the University. The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are not covered by this service.

Please click the Collect+ link and enter your email address. This will generate a postal returns label for you to print. Please securely wrap your book(s), attach the returns label and take the parcel to one of the 7,500 drop-off locations. Please keep your proof of posting receipt until Collect+ have acknowledged receipt of your items. There is no limit to the number of books you can send in one parcel.

Collect+ postal return service for University of Southampton

Please contact us if you have any questions.