First, find a group of people who you know you’ll work well with and that motivate you (not distract you!). Think about when you’re all free to meet up and study – set aside a block of time that works for everyone.
Before you get there, ensure expectations are clear and anything that needs doing before you all get there has been done. For example...
If you aren't sure who might be interested in joining a study group, consider asking peers you see before and after lectures. If there are any WhatsApp groups, Teams groups, or online discussion boards for your modules, these can be good places to post, 'I'm looking for a few people to study with, let me know if you're interested!'
Arrive on time and start promptly. If having a catch-up is something you might end up doing, then schedule everyone to arrive 15 minutes before so that you can have a chat and then be ready to start after 15 minutes of chat.
It's helpful to begin by setting aims of the session. Writing these down may help you commit to your goals.
Set a time period where you will all work and schedule breaks. If it helps, ask someone to set a timer for studying and a separate timer for breaks: an online Pomodoro timer is useful for this as you can customise your work and break pattern.
Hold each other accountable. Ask your friends, 'What have you achieved in the last 40 minutes?'
If people are struggling, offer support, be enthusiastic and motivate those around you! Share study resources with each other: these may include things like the assignment planner tool or Academic Skills Service guides.
If you are studying for the same module or topic, considering splitting up tasks. For example, if there are eight papers to read, everyone could read two each and pull out the key points to share with the others.
Finally, utilise the space that you’re in to collaborate and perhaps view your study materials with fresh eyes.
Once the session is done, encourage everyone to share...
Try and set a time for the next meeting: committing to the next date before you leave will help keep everyone accountable. As you confirm the plans, ask yourselves...