There are a number of useful datasets available to you through the library. You may also be able to request data from other researchers or find it online.
There are also guidance on Environment, Health and Ocean & Earth data and statistics.
Although most resources in this area are now online, there are a few key titles in print that contain data:
If you have any queries about technical information, the resources mentioned or wish to make any comments about these pages, please contact us (
Search and access the full text of all current British Standards and many international standards (e.g. ISOs/IECs). You will need to have the FileOpen plug-in installed to access BSI documents. See Terms & Conditions for printing and copying.
Search these databases for literature, structures, reactions and properties in ChemSpider, Reaxys, SciFinder-n, PubChem and PSDS. The UK Physical Sciences Data-science Service (PSDS) was previously known as the National Chemical Database Service.