The most simple way to find journal articles is to use Library Search, which covers many of the Library's journal databases simultaneously.
The alternative is to search an individual journal database. These will search a smaller number of articles than Library Search, but give you more control over your searches and more focussed results. Journal databases are particularly recommended for researchers and students doing dissertation research.
The key databases are Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus. They are both large databases that cover many subjects in the sciences, social sciences and humanities. I advise that you try both to see which gives the best results for your topic.
PsycINFO is the main psychology database and may be important for topics in human resource management and organisational behaviour. Please also consider the other databases under 'Other Useful Databases'.
A number of organisations provide quality rankings for journals in business, management and related fields.
One of the most well used rankings in the UK is the Academic Journal Guide 2024, provided by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS). Journals are categorised by subject and ranked by quality, where 4* is the highest quality and 1 is lowest. You must login or register to view this list. N.B. the guide is published every 3 years.
Professor Anne-Wil Harzing regularly compiles the Journal Quality List, which brings together rankings from a number of organisations including the CABS - for the CABS ranking, see the column headed ' ABS 2021'. The list is available arranged by title or subject,and is downloadable in PDF format.
A correctly formatted reference will tell you exactly where to find the full article:
DING, Y., JACOB, E. K., ZHIXIONG, Z., FOO, S., ERJIA, Y., GEORGE, N. L. and LIJIANG, G. (2009) Perspectives on social tagging, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60 (12), 2388-2401.
This article was written by Y Ding & colleagues, and the article's title is "Perspectives on social tagging". It was published in 2009 in the journal called "Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology". It was published in volume 60, issue 12, and the article ran from page 2388 to 2401.
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Accessing library resources from home
To connect to library resources such as databases and journals you will need to use the University’s VPN service called Globalprotect. Advice on how to set your connection up can be found on the iSolutions page How do I set up VPN on my device?