You must register to use SciFinder-n but it is a very quick and easy process. Find out more at the Registration Guide
An excellent collection of training and support materials for SciFinder-n are available from CAS:
This introduction to SciFinder-n was delivered by Lee Walsh from CAS to University of Southampton Chemistry students in October 2022.
It covers the registration process, literature searching and chemical property searching.
This advanced session covering SciFinder-n was delivered by Lee Walsh from CAS to University of Southampton Chemistry postgraduate researchers in October 2022.
This session was run for University of Southampton postgraduate researchers in March 2023. If you have any questions, please contact us at
An excellent collection of training and support materials for Reaxys are available:
Learn how to search in Quick Search for Literature, Substances, Reactions, and Properties.
Learn how to build a search and refine it in Reaxys using the Query builder.
Tip: Use the buttons on the right side of the screen to skip to another chapter or to return to the beginning of the video
Retrieving Scientific Information
Search for Reactions by Text Terms
Learn about named reactions and search algorithms that includes Transform, Reagent/Catalyst, and Reaction Type.
Search Physicochemical Properties of Substance
Learn how to:
The Synthesis Planner allows you to create synthesis plans for known and unknown substances using the Reaxys reaction database. Learn how to:
Learn how to:
Tip: Use the buttons on the right side of the screen to skip to another chapter or to return to the beginning of the video.
Learn how to export data by choosing the output format, defining the range and export options and downloading the export.
ChemSpider (RSC) is a free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 100 million structures from hundreds of data sources.
ChemSpider provide a collection of online help guides, including videos, to help you get started and search:
You can search ChemSpider by
Chemical Names
Chemical Structure
Find Data
How to Perform a Name Search:
Use the search box in the middle of the screen or in the upper right corner of the page, or go the More Searches menu and select Simple Search option.
The Physical Sciences Data-science Service (PSDS) is an EPSRC-funded National Research Facility provided by the University of Southampton, and Science and Technology Facilities Council. Its purpose is to provide a common access point to data resources within the Physical Sciences to all staff, students and other members of UK academic institutions.
The resources currently provided by the Service span the organic, inorganic and properties chemical landscape.
PSDS provide factsheets and video guides for the Cambridge Structural Database, ChASe (Chemical Availability Search), CrystalWorks, DETHERM, the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database and Propersea.