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Part 1: Exporting from Medline

- In Medline, select the records you want to export
- Click the "Export" button (on top of the list of references)

- You must set the Format option first

- To export to the desktop version of EndNote, select "EndNote"
- However, to export to EndNote Online, select "Reprint / Medlars"

- Choose how much information to export
- We recommend at the very least choosing "Citation, Abstract"
Part 2: Importing into EndNote Online

- Log into EndNote Online
- Click "Collect"
- Click "Import References"

- Click "Choose file"
- Browse to and select the file you exported from Medline (most likely in your Downloads folder)

- Set the "Import Option" to "Medline (OvidSP)"

- Choose which group to import the references to
- You can choose a group that already exists, or create a new group to put the references in