My EndNote library will not open or is not working properly. What can I do?
You can try recovering your library using the instructions from the provider of EndNote.
Organisation names are displaying wrongly in my references, e.g. ‘National Health Service’ displays as ‘Service, NH’. How can I fix this?
You must add a comma at the end of organisation names in EndNote. If you don’t, EndNote will treat them as the personal names.
Letters are appearing in the wrong case in my references, e.g. USA appears as Usa and van Gogh as ‘Van Gogh’. How can I fix this?
How can I add page numbers to citations in Word?
If the page number doesn’t appear at the end of the citation, try moving the page number from the Suffix box to the Pages box – some referencing styles, particularly footnoting styles, use the Pages box.
How can I delete a reference from my EndNote library?
The reference will go into your Trash folder. You can drag it back to your All References folder if you make a mistake or change your mind.
I have created more than one library but I know I should only have one. How can I fix this?
We recommend that, if possible, you have only one EndNote Library. You certainly must not cite from multiple libraries in the same Word document.
If you have created additional libraries by mistake, this may be because you have been using File> ‘Save a Copy’ to back-up your library. For back-up, we recommend that you use File> Compressed Library (.enlx). Save the .enlx file to a safe location and only use it for emergency recovery.
If you do have additional libraries, it is recommended that you move references from these into your master library:
When the references have been imported into the master library, delete the additional library (delete the .enl file and the .data folder)
It is likely that you will have imported duplicate references. Ensure that you remove these before you start working in Word. Go to Library > Find Duplicates
My referencing style uses footnotes. How can I insert these in to Word?
My referencing style uses abbreviated journal titles. How can I make these available in EndNote?
See the instructions at EndNote 21/20: Generate full or abbreviated journal names
What Full-Text Finder Settings (OpenURL path / Authenticate URL) should I use?
To set-up the Find Full-Text function...
This should improve your full-text matches but you won't find everything via this method and you may need to search for and manually add some PDFs.
BibTeX is a tool for managing references so that they can be formatted using the LaTeX document preparation system. LaTeX is an alternative to Word, widely used in the physical sciences and engineering disciplines to format documents containing formulas, equations, etc.
Although we do not offer any formal support for this software more information can be found from the links here
You can use Endnote to manage your references and export references from Endnote to BibTeX. However, the Cite While You Write feature is not available in BibTeX.
How to export references from Endnote in BibTex format
If your computer does not have the BibTeX style installed you can download a copy from the software and styles section of this guide.
If you have a question that's not answered by the resources on this LibGuide, contact the Library at:
Before using a reference manager, ensure that you understand the OSCOLA referencing style, use Cite Them Right Online for guidance. Colleagues at Newcastle University Library have produced some excellent guidance for working with EndNote and OSCOLA at
The Official EndNote LibGuide created and maintained by the software producer which includes advice and training.