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EndNote: Software and Styles

Reference management software

Getting a copy of EndNote (desktop)

Yes, for members of the University. You can download EndNote to your personal computer via the Software Store

Dos and Don'ts

  • Do save your EndNote library in a single location, preferably your computer hard drive (usually C drive) or your personal My Documents folder on the University network.
  • Do back-up your library often - you can can save the back-up (called a compressed library) on University OneDrive

If you are using a UoS desktop computer

Install Endnote on your computer by clicking on Additional Software (you'll find the icon on your desktop). 

If you are using a UoS laptop

If you are using a laptop, plug it in on campus with an Ethernet cable and install Endnote on your computer by clicking on Additional Software (you'll find the icon on your desktop). If you can't install the software yourself, ask Serviceline for help or visit the iSolutions helpdesk at Hartley Library.

If you are based at NOC, you can download EndNote from

NOCS staff should contact IT on installing EndNote to their NOCS owned computer.

You can install EndNote for Mac via the Software Store

University of Southampton EndNote styles

The University of Southampton styles have been developed to match the referencing styles agreed by various academic units and disciplines.

They include all the common resource types (eg. book, journal article, book chapter etc)

Follow your academic unit's requirements for overall layout, as these cannot be set within individual networked styles.

Select a tab to access the style you need.

This Harvard style Harvard_SotonCiteThemRight2021 is suitable for general use and follows the version of Harvard found in Cite Them Right .

If your academic unit or discipline recommends the Harvard style, check whether they have any specific referencing requirements.  If not, you can use this style.

This style is available in EndNote on all public workstations and on EndNote Online.

Follow the instructions to install this style on a staff PC or on your own computer (PC or MAC) if it already has EndNote installed.

Installing an EndNote style instructions for PC

  1. Download the style you want to install.

  2. Double-click the style file.  It should open in EndNote.In EndNote, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”.

  3. Replace the word “copy” with your style’s name and click “Save”.

  4. Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”.

If you are using the American Chemical Society [ACS] referencing style, we recommend that you use the Royal Society of Chemistry [RSC] style in Endnote rather than 'ACS' or 'ACS - no title' (which do not deal with multiple references in one place correctly).

Installing an EndNote style instructions for PC

  1. Download the style you want to install.

  2. Double-click the style file.  It should open in EndNote.In EndNote, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”.

  3. Replace the word “copy” with your style’s name and click “Save”.

  4. Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”.

If the RSC style is not already available in Endnote, it can be downloaded from under RSC Endnote style files on the RSC website.

Both ACS and RSC use abbreviated titles based on the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI). If you cannot find a recognized abbreviation for a journal, and it is not obvious how the title should be abbreviated, cite the full journal title.

Most databases will export references with full journal titles. To get abbreviated titles in your references, you will need to edit the term lists within Endnote following the guide below.

The EndNote style for English, Film and History at Southampton is MHRA_SotonHUMS2017. This style follows the standard version of MHRA.

This style is available in Endnote on all public workstations and on Endnote Online.

Follow the instructions to install this style on a staff PC or on your own computer (PC or MAC) if it already has EndNote installed.

Installing an EndNote style instructions for PC

  1. Download the style you want to install.

  2. Double-click the style file.  It should open in EndNote.In EndNote, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”.

  3. Replace the word “copy” with your style’s name and click “Save”.

  4. Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”.

The style developed in consultation with the School of Law at Southampton is OSCOLA_2_SotonLAW2015.  This style follows the OSCOLA 2 4th ed referencing system.

Follow the instructions to add this style to your My Documents folder so that it can be accessed on public workstations.

Use the same instructions to install this style on a staff PC or on your own computer (PC or MAC) if it already has EndNote installed.

This style is available in Endnote on all public workstations and on Endnote Online.

Installing an EndNote style instructions for PC

  1. Download the style you want to install.

  2. Double-click the style file.  It should open in EndNote.In EndNote, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”.

  3. Replace the word “copy” with your style’s name and click “Save”.

  4. Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”.

Working with Journal Abbreviations

OSCOLA requires the use of standard abbreviations for journal titles in footnotes and bibliography entries. 

Insert the full journal title in the EndNote record. 

Follow the instructions in the PDF file below to set up your EndNote software to convert full titles to abbreviations.

You can add new abbreviations and change back to using full journal titles at any time.

Useful resource

Use the Cardiff Index to find out what a law report or journal title abbreviation stands for, or use it to find out the preferred way of abbreviating publications in your own work.

Sort the Bibliography into sections

You may need to sort your end of text bibliography into primary and secondary sources. Any changes must be made using the tools within EndNote - manual amendments are ignored by the software. See the notes below and email if you need more help.

EndNote Online

The OSCOLA_2_SotonLAW2015 style is available on EndNote Online.  However, it is not possible to make the journal abbreviations file available in Endnote Online.

This information was updated on 11th June 2024. Please check with your module lead about which referencing style to use and any specific guidelines.

If using the Vancouver referencing style, the closest EndNote style is called Citing Medicine, which we have adapted slightly for your download on this page. This style follows the Vancouver style in Cite Them Right Online

Installing an EndNote style instructions for PC

Installing an EndNote style instructions for PC

  • Download the style you want to install.
  • Double-click the style file.  It should open in EndNote.In EndNote, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”.
  • Replace the word “copy” with your style’s name and click “Save”.
  • Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”.


Different sources (databases) use variations on the BibTeX standard which can cause some issues.

Here are the latest filter for importing BibTex files into EndNote and the latest style for outputting references from EndNote in a BibTeX format. 

  • BibTeX import filter
  • BibTeX Export style (for outputting references from EndNote in a BibTeX format). This style can be used to upload your own references to ORCID. 

With thanks to Angela Goldfinch at Imperial College London and Bob Green at Clarivate Analytics.

Current Version

The current version at the University is Endnote 20

Online Chat to solve your problem

Chat with an expert to solve your problem.

  • Official EndNote Support - Chat with an expert using the online Chat Box provided on the page.
  • If the Chat service is offline then the Chat button is not visible - in this instance click on the Submit an inquiry button and then choose Ask a product or technical question or report a problem and complete the online form with as much detail as you can about the problem you are having. The Clarivate customer care and technical support team will then contact you about your problem.
  • The website also includes a Knowledge Base created by the production team to help you search to find answers to any problems you have using EndNote.