This event was held on 21st September 2015 in the Hartley Library. There were three presentations from three different viewpoints in data publishing: authors, repositories and publishers.
There is a recording of the session available to all members of the University of Southampton. Please note that the sound levels at the start are very low - you will need to turn up the volume.
The speakers were:
Dr Varsha Khodiyar
Varsha Khodiyar is the Data Curation Editor for the Nature Publishing Group journal Scientific Data. Scientific Data is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal for descriptions of research datasets – aiming to promote wider data sharing and reuse, and credit those that create and share.
Varsha presented on the process of submitting to, and publishing in, a dedicated data journal; what makes a good data article; and the specific aims, scope and benefits of Scientific Data.
Slides from Varsha Khadiyar's talk are available
Dr Rachel Hale
Rachel Hale is a Research Fellow at the Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton. Her research interests include marine ecology, the community ecology of invertebrates and the response of these communities and the surrounding ecosystem to changes in their environment. She is currently involved in the NERC Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry project and the majority of experimental work takes place in the NOCS Biodiversity and Ecosystem Futures Facility or on board the NERC ship RRS Discovery.
Rachel spoke about why she decided to submit to a data journal – including her experiences of submitting data, of writing a Data Descriptor and of publishing with Scientific Data.
Isobel Stark
Isobel Stark is the University Research Data Development Manager and the Research Engagement Librarian for the faculties of Engineering and the Environment, Physical Sciences & Engineering, Natural and Environmental Sciences and is a member of the Research Data Team at the University of Southampton Library. As part of this group, she has worked with individual researchers and teams of researchers to support their activities including helping in data management plans, depositing date and creating DOIs. She's been involved with the open access movement since the mid-1990s when she worked at UKOLN at the University of Bath and is passionate about the possibilities of open science.
Isobel talked about research data from the prospective of an Institutional Repository.