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Research Data Management: Policies

Guidance and support to staff, researchers and students at the University of Southampton

Meeting Funder Requirements


 UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) expects research data arising from its funding to be made as open as possible and as restricted as necessary.  Although each Council has developed their own specific policies and requirements to take account of the disciplines involved, there is an expectation that Researchers will:

  • Plan for their data collection, often through the submission of a initial data management plan with their proposal.
  • Manage their data throughout the project, keeping the necessary metadata and documentation, and establishing good data handling procedures.
  • Deposit their research data in a suitable repository and where possible make at least the record and metadata discoverable.
  • Share the data at the appropriate time, subject to restrictions required relating to confidential, commercial, sensitive or personal data.
  • Write a Data Access statement: Publications should include a statement on the availability or restrictions to access for the data (data access statement) as well as the acknowledgement of funding and grant details.
    • All UKRI funded research should have a data statement and reference the grant number 
    • This was reiterated by both the EPSRC (Research Data Expectation 2, May 2015) and the ESRC (Principle 3 of their Research Data Policy, March 2015)
    • Other funders have similar requirements.

Concordat on Open Research

HEFCE, RCUK, Wellcome Trust, Universities UK

In 2016 HEFCE, RCUK, Wellcome and Universities UK launched their Concordat on Open Research Data [pdf].

Sorbonne Declaration

The Sorbonne Declaration on Research Data Rights was issued following the meeting of global research-intensive university groups at the Sorbonne in Paris: Russell Group (UK), LERU (League of European Universities), Association of American Universities, Group of 8 (Australia) , ARUA (African Research Universities Alliance), German U15, U15 (Canadian Research Universities), RU11 (Japan), CURIF (France).


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Love Data Week

Requesting a DOI

We can register a DOI for your dataset through DataCite - this gives a persistent link and can make it easier to cite.


For more details see our DOI for data page.


Depositing Data to Support Publication

Note:  There are additional steps for depositing data at the end of a project.  Please contact for further guidance.

Research Support Guide