This page is inspired by the book, Cherry, M.G., Boland, A. and Dickson, R. (2024) Doing a systematic review: a student's guide. 3rd edn. London: SAGE Publications. We have presented the systematic review workflow as a 10 step process, or roadmap. Remember! The process may not always be this linear and you may need to go back to start some of the stages again.
If you are doing a literature search in a systematic way (Systematized review) or working with a team on a Systematic Review, please join our new UoS teams site where you can ask questions and share best practice.
Please note Delphis was replaced with Library Search on the 31st August 2022.
You can test your learning by completing these 10 short exercises.
Step 2: Scoping searches, review question and protocol
Step 6: Choosing the full text
Post your questions on our padlet. We would like a different perspective in order to improve so please do add a comment/question.
Carrying out a systematic review will take longer than you might anticipate so planning is important. Consider the time and resources available to you. Consider using a Gantt chart as this will help you plan and monitor your progress. Take a look at this brief LinkedIn Learning course called 'Learning Gantt charts'. Please note: You do not need to connect your LinkedIn account. You will need your university username and password.
There is a also an online course from John Hopkins University called an Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis. It is very comprehensive and takes about 13 hours to complete with a mixture of videos and exercises to do. It is free.
Include time to investigate the different databases and platforms that may cover your topic as you are likely to use more than one in your review. Also decide on what reference management software you are going to use. We support Endnote but there are other options.
Recorded presentations below, we suggest you watch them in this order.
As soon as you have an idea for your systematic review topic, you should run a scoping search. This will enable you to see what has been published already, if anything. This stage will take you longer than you imagine, so give yourself plenty of time. Please watch video below on Starting/Scoping first for some context.
If you are new to searching health and medicine databases or would like a refresher, please listen to a Basic and Advanced recording of a search in CINAHL. The advanced recording covers using MESH or subject headings.
Basic recording 27 Mins
Advanced recording 10 Mins
Questions to ask yourself:
Recorded presentations below
As part of the process you will need to finalise your review question (see Frameworks) and agree the exclusion and inclusion criteria for your review. This forms part of your protocol
Having completed your scoping searches you should now be aware of all the terms that you want to include and these should be finalised. We would recommend refining your search strategy (the terms and how they will be combined) on one database and platform, checking that all members of the team agree that it is complete and thorough, before running it on another database. Moving to a different database may involve translating the search strategy and syntax, for example, identifying the thesaurus term used or changing the symbol for truncation (* to $). Please see this useful guide from University of Alberta as well as another comprehensive guide from Cornell University on how to translate search strategies with links to useful tools.
The recorded presentations below include
Before you start your final search process and importing into your reference managment software. Please Test, Test and Test again. Short video (3.32 min) on how to do this and why so important.
When you have completed your literature searches, you will want to remove any duplicate records and start to screen the results. You will be using your inclusion and exclusion criteria to select or exclude articles. You will need to keep a record of this process to enable you to produce the PRISMA flow diagram.
Review the records first, scanning the title of the article, the abstract and any subject descriptors, constantly referring back to your exclusion/inclusion criteria.
You may find it helpful to use the reference management software package called EndNote to manage this process. Our EndNote for systematic reviews page will show you how to export large numbers of results. Please see video conversation below for more information on how to do this. There are more video conversations on our EndNote training pages. You can then export the remaining results for screening into Excel, or a subscription tool such as Rayyan
There are some free systematic review tools have a duplicate detection and screening functions such as The Systematic Review Accelerator (SRA) and HubMeta.
Check eJournal Title search for journal availability in our online collection, you will need to be connected to the University using the Virtual Private Network (VPN) called GlobalProtect.
If the journal title is not available please submit an Inter-Library Loan (ILL) request via Library Search; the process is...
Further information about the ILL service can be found here
This video has been removed as we transition to a new Library Management System.Aug 2022. if you require any help finding full text articles please email
Once you complete the screening of the records and have the full-text of the papers you want to review, apply your inclusion and exclusion criteria again as your read the full article. An approach you may want to consider is to read the abstract, the introduction and conclusion and only then read the whole paper, if it still meets the inclusion criteria.
Data extraction can start when you have selected your articles for review. You will need to extract and examine the data. For a full explanation, look at chapter 5, Higgins JPT, Thomas J, Chandler J. Collecting data. In: Li T, Higgins JPT, Deeks JJ, et al. (eds.) Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell; 2019 p109-41.
Take a look at the video on the companion site to Boland A, Cherry MG, Dickson R. Doing a systematic review: a student's guide. 2nd ed. London: SAGE; 2017. called, "Chapter 6: Data Extraction: Where Do I Begin?".
Another chapter 6! But this time in Bettany-Saltikov J. How to do a systematic literature review in nursing a step-by-step guide. Maidenhead: Open University Press; 2012. Working with your primary papers gives a clear introduction to the process, and includes an example data extraction template that you can adapt.
Critical appraisal tools
The Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM) provides some useful guidance and a checklist for systematic reviews
See also our section on critical appraisal on our sister page - scroll to the bottom of the page - in "Equally important" section.
There are some useful resources from the University of Edinburgh as well as Cardiff University
Useful resource for reviewing studies with diverse designs = QATSDD.
There are some guides to help you understand which tools to use
Overview of tool from Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library
Article looking at tools used in Prospero.
Very useful overview from National Health and Medical Research Council Australia
Please see useful website that give overview of the Cochrane tools.
We recommend chapter 12 of the Cochrane Handbook, especially the worked examples please see... McKenzie JE, Brennan SE. Chapter 12: Synthesizing and presenting findings using other methods [last updated October 2019]. In: Higgins JPT, Thomas J, Chandler J, Cumpston M, Li T, Page MJ, Welch VA (editors). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions version 6.5. Cochrane, 2024. Available from
If you have not already, please look at the video - 1.1 Guidelines for reporting Systematic Reviews which explains the Equator Network for reporting guidelines and PRISMA ( both essential resources)
Please feedback on the Padlet if you want to clarify any issues or understanding.