Country-level social and economic data, including that from the EU, OECD, IMF and World Bank, dating back to 1960. For developing countries see, in particular, the World Bank’s World Development Indicators. You can search the data using 'Discover'.
You must register and login with your Institutional (SUSSED) login before you can access data .
Provides statistics and in depth reports on companies, industries and countries worldwide. Includes consumer trends, demographic data, socioeconomic data, macroeconomic data and global reports.
Economic and social statistics for China. Provides comprehensive information on China’s economic development at national, provincial, city, county and industrial levels. Also provides a unique collection of various Census data at province, city, county and township levels of Mainland China. VPN is required off campus.
The primary World Bank collection of development indicators, presents the most current and accurate global development data available and includes national, regional and global estimates.
A UK Government body responsible for producing of a wide range of economic and social data and statistics for the UK. They also provide access to statistics from other UK government departments. Statistics for the regions and local areas are available in a separate section . If you require UK census data for use with GIS software this is available from the UK Data Service.
A national data service launched in April 2013 to integrate four former services: the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS), the Secure Data Service, the Survey Question Bank and Provides access to and support for a wide range of economic and social data. Includes UK surveys, cross-national surveys, longitudinal studies, business microdata,worldwide country-level data, qualitative data and UK census data. You can search the site using 'Discover'.
You must register and login with your Institutional (SUSSED) login before you can access data .
The British Social Attitudes survey has been run annually since since 1983 by NatCen Social Research. Recent reports are available online. The Hartley Library holds the reports in print.
Provides statistics and in depth reports on companies, industries and countries worldwide. Includes consumer trends, demographic data, socioeconomic data, macroeconomic data and global reports.
Provides a searchable catalogue of consumer data on topics including demographics, housing, transport, health, energy, education, retail and Internet and social media.
Where data is flagged as 'Open' you can register and download it immediately. To access 'Safeguarded' data further registration and approval is required. 'Secure data' is only available via secure services at CDRC sites, with registration and project approval requirements.