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Data and Statistics: Economics & Finance

Country Level Data

UK Data

Other Data Sources

Name Source Notes

Earnings and Working Hours

Office for National Statistics


Asian Development Bank Statistics

Asian Development Bank


Bankruptcy and Insolvency Statistics

The Insolvency Service


CAA Aviation Statistics 



EDGAR Database

US Securities and Exchange Commission


European Central Bank: Statistical Data Warehouse

European Central Bank



Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


Groningen Growth and Development Centre Databases

Groningen Growth and Development Centre, Groningen University, Netherlands




This site allows you to calculate the value of money and other economic indicators in the past.

Human Development Report

United Nations Development Programme

Also held in print in the Hartley Library.

Inflation: the value of the pound 1750-2011 

House of Commons Library

A research paper on how the purchasing power of the pound has changed between 1750-2005.

IFPRI Datasets

International Food Policy Research Institute


Joint External Debt Hub

BIS, IMF, OECD, World Bank


Market Access Database 

European Commission


Millennium Development Goals Indicators

United Nations Statistical Division





National Bureau of Statistics of China

National Bureau of Statistics of China, People's Republic of China



National Bureau for Economic Research


NBER Macrohistory Database

National Bureau for Economic Research


Pacific Exchange Rate Service

University of British Columbia, Canada


Parkers Parkers Prices for new and used cars.

Penn World Tables

Centre for International Comparisons at the University of Pennsylvania, US


Sutherland Tables: Comparative Domestic Heating Costs

Sutherland Tables


UNECE Economic Statistics

UN Economic Commission for Europe



UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean


UNESCAP Statistics

UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific


UNU/WIDER - UNDP World Income Inequality Database

UN University and World Institute for Development Economics Research