Due to licence restrictions, only members of the University have full access to electronic services other than the Library's computer catalogue (Library Search). However, we can offer limited provision to some e-resources to walk-in users. Please email libenqs@soton.ac.uk in the first instance.
This list includes Parkes-related e-journals to which the Library subscribes and titles freely available on the Internet.
Title | Notes |
AJR Journal | 1946- |
AJS Review (Cambridge Journals Online) | v.1 (1976)- |
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (Project MUSE) | v.1 (2001)- |
American Jewess | 1895-1899 |
American Jewish Archives | v.1 (1948)- |
American Jewish History (Project MUSE) | v.84 (1996)- |
American Jewish History (Proquest Periodicals Archive Online) | 1893-2000 |
American Jewish Yearbook | v.1-108 (1899-2008) |
American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures (JSTOR) | v.12-58 (1895-1941) |
Aramaic Studies (Brill Journal Archive) | v.1-7 (2003-2009) |
Aufbau (Leo Baeck Institute, NY) | 1934-2004 |
Biblical Archaeologist (JSTOR) | 1938-1997 |
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (JSTOR) | v.18-39 (1991-2012) |
British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin (JSTOR) | v.1-17 (1974-1990) |
Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universelle (Historical Jewish Press) | 1860-1913 |
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research in Jerusalem (JSTOR) | 1919-1921 |
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (JSTOR) | no.4-374 (1921-2015) |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (JSTOR) | v.10-77 (1940-2014) |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies (JSTOR) | v.1-10 (1917-1940) |
Compact Memory (online archive of German-Jewish periodicals from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries) | |
Contemporary Jewry (SpringerLink) | v.1- (1974-) |
Dead Sea Discoveries (Brill Journal Archive) | 1994-2009 |
East European Jewish Affairs (Taylor & Francis) | v.27 (1997)- |
European Judaism (JSTOR) | v.1 (1966)- |
Hebraica (JSTOR) | v.1-11 (1884-1895) |
Hebrew Union College Annual (JSTOR) | v.1-87 (1924-2016) |
Holocaust and Genocide Studies (OUP) | v.1 (1986)- |
Holocaust Studies: a Journal of Culture and History (Taylor & Francis) | v.6 (1997)- |
Hugoye Journal of Syriac Studies | v.1 (1998)- |
Immigrants and Minorities (Taylor & Francis) | v.16 (1997)- |
International Journal of Middle East Studies (JSTOR) | v.1-46 (1970-2014) |
International Journal of Middle East Studies (Cambridge Core) | v.1- (1970)- |
Israel Affairs (Taylor & Francis) | v.3 no.3-4 (1997)- |
Israel Studies (Project MUSE) | v.1 (1996)- |
Jewish Chronicle | To access the full text you will need to register and create a profile |
Jewish Culture and History (Taylor & Francis) | v.1- (1998)- |
Jewish Film and New Media (Proquest) | v.1 (2013)- |
Jewish Historical Studies (ScienceOpen) | v.47 (2015)- |
Jewish History (SpringerLink) | 1997- |
Jewish Political Studies Review (JSTOR) | v.1 (1989)- |
Jewish Quarterly (Taylor & Francis) | 1997- |
Jewish Quarterly Review (JSTOR) |
1888-1922 |
Jewish Quarterly Review (Project MUSE) | v.92 (2001)- |
Jewish Social Studies (Proquest Periodicals Archive Online) | 1939-1988; 1994-2000 |
Jewish Social Studies (Project MUSE) | N.S. v.5 (1999)- |
Jewish studies, an internet journal | v.1 (2002)- |
Journal for the Study of Judaism (Brill Online Journals) | v.1 (1970)- |
Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus (Brill Online Journals) | v.1 (2003)- |
Journal for the Study of the New Testament (SAGE) | v.1 (1978)- |
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (SAGE) | v.1 (1976)- |
Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha (SAGE) | v.1 (1987)- |
Journal of Ancient Judaism (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) | v.1 (2010)- |
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions (Brill Online Journals) | v.1- (2001)- |
Journal of Biblical Literature (JSTOR) | v.9 (1890)- |
Journal of Biblical Literature (Project MUSE) | v.130 (2011)- |
Journal of Genocide Research (Taylor & Francis) | v.2 (2000)- |
Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies (Edinburgh University Press) | v.1 (2002)- |
Journal of Israeli History (Taylor & Francis) | v.18 (1997)- |
Journal of Jewish Education (Taylor & Francis) | v.63 (1997)- |
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy (Brill Journal Archive) | v.1-17 (1992-2009) |
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies (Taylor & Francis) | v.1 (2002)- |
Journal of Near Eastern Studies (JSTOR) | v.1-74 (1942-2015) |
Journal of Palestine Studies (JSTOR) | v.1-46 (1971-2016) |
Journal of Psychology and Judaism (Springer Link) | v.21-24 (1997-2000) |
Journal of Semitic Studies (Oxford Academic) | v.1 (1956)- |
Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Religions (Brill Journal Archive) | v.2-9 (2002-2009) |
Judaism: a quarterly journal (Proquest Periodicals Archive Online) | 1952-2000 |
MERIP Middle East Report (JSTOR) | v.138-150 (1986-1988) |
MERIP Reports (JSTOR) | v.1-136/137 (1971-1985) |
Medieval Encounters (Brill Journal Archive) | v.1-15 (1995-2009) |
Melilah Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies | 2004- |
Middle East Journal (Proquest Periodicals Archive Online) | 1947-2000 |
Middle East Journal (Project MUSE) | 2009- |
Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication (Brill Journal Archive) | v.1-2 (2008-2009) |
Middle East Policy (Wiley Online Library) | 1997- |
Middle East Report (JSTOR) | v.151-281 (1988-2016) |
Middle East Studies Association Bulletin (JSTOR) | v.1-42 (1967-2008) |
Middle Eastern Studies (Taylor & Francis) | v.33 (1997)- |
Modern Judaism (Oxford Academic) | v.1 (1981)- |
Los Muestros | Contents (1990)-; Full text no.34 (1998)-1915 |
Nashim: a journal of Jewish women's studies and gender issues (Project MUSE) | no.3 (2000)- |
Newsletter of the Centre for German-Jewish Studies, University of Sussex | 1995- |
Palestine Exploration Quarterly (Taylor & Francis) | 1997- |
Palestine Post (Historical Jewish Press) | 1932-1950 |
Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture (Business Source Complete) | v.8 no.2 (2001)- |
Patterns of Prejudice (Taylor & Francis) | v.31 (1997)- |
Prooftexts (Project MUSE) | v.18 (1998)- |
Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewry | 2010- |
La Rassegna Mensile di Israel (JSTOR) | v.1 (1925)- |
Review of Middle East Studies (Cambridge Core) | v.1 (1967)- |
Review of Rabbinic Judaism (Brill Journal Archive) | v.1-12 (1998-2009) |
Revue des Études Juives (Peeters Online Journals) | v.144 (1985)- |
Shofar: an interdisciplinary journal of Jewish studies (Project MUSE) | v.9 (1990)- |
Studia Rosenthaliana (Peeters Online Journals) | Full-text and abstracts 36 (2003), 37 (2004), 38 (2006), 40 (2008), 41 (2009) 43 (2011), 44 (2012), 45 (2014) |
Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations (Boston College) | v.1 (2005)- |
Studies in Zionism (Taylor & Francis) | v.18 (1997)- |
Vetus Testamentum (Brill Journal Archive) | v.1-59 (1951-2009) |
Wiener Library E-Newsletter | March 2000- |
Women in Judaism | v.1 (1997)- |
Yad Vashem Studies | Table of contents and abstracts v.1 (1957)- |
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (Brill Journal Archive) | v.1 (1948)- |