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Research Data Management: Support and Training

Guidance and support to staff, researchers and students at the University of Southampton

What we offer

The Research Engagement librarians can help you through the research data lifecycle, including:

  • data management planning
  • preparing your data for deposit 
  • funder requirements for sharing data

We offer help via phone, email or deskside support for research data management queries. Contact and the Research Data Support team will contact you, normally within one working day.

Research Data Management - Weekly Q&A 

These  (term time) weekly Q&A sessions, run by our specialist research data librarians, are for any member of staff or postgraduate researcher with questions about data management, including data management plans for grant proposals and projects, data storage, post-project sharing of datasets

Postgraduate researchers should ensure they have completed, or almost completed, the Blackboard course on PGR Data Management Plans before attending.

Need a quick overview? We are creating a suite of short guides introducing you to some of the key concepts that may be new to you. Please email if there are any topics you would like us to cover.

Data Management Plans for Doctoral Students
Mandatory course on for all new doctoral students. Log into Blackboard using your university username and password.

Data Management Plan: Why Plan? 
45-minute briefing. 

Managing your research notes and/or data (Arts and Humanities).
120-minute workshop. 

PhD Data Management Plans: Introductory video for Supervisors
4-minute briefing. 

Research Data Management - Weekly Q&A 

These weekly Q&A sessions, run by our specialist research data librarians, are for any member of staff or postgraduate researcher with questions about data management, including data management plans for grant proposals and projects, data storage, post-project data sharing of datasets.

Postgraduate researchers should ensure they have completed, or almost completed, the Blackboard course on PGR Data Management Plans before attending.


We are also happy to run bespoke sessions for modules, research groups and departments. Please contact us on if you are interested.

ReproducabiliTEA Seminars

Run by a friendly group of researchers and PhD students from across the University of Southampton, the group meets informally to discuss robust research practice, reproducibility, replication, and open science. During these sessions, they discuss a paper relating to one of these themes. They also have guest speakers and seminar sessions.

Love Data Week 2023

The Library's Research Engagement Team organised a series of public seminars during the International Love Data Week in February. This year's theme is Data: Agent for change 

Viewpoints on Data Publishing

This event was held on 21st September in the Hartley Library. There were three presentations from three different viewpoints in data publishing: authors, repositories and publishers.

There is a recording of the session available to all members of the University of Southampton. Please note that the sound levels at the start are very low - you will need to turn up the volume.

1. Depositing your research data


1. Where can I deposit my research data?


2. If I have to deposit in a discipline data repository do I also need to deposit with the University?


3. What help is available to assist with decisions about the "significance" of research data?


4. Does the University research data management policy only apply to funded research?


5. Does the University research data management policy only apply to electronic or computer- readable data?


6. What happens if my funder only wants me to keep the data for 3-5 years, but the University policy says 10 years?


7. Does my data have to be made openly available?


8. In PURE do I deposit my data on the same record as my publication?


2. Research Data Management Plans


1. Have you got any draft text about institutional support for research data management that I can put in my bid?


2. How do I find out if I need to submit a data management plan with a project proposal?


3. Do I need a data management plan if my funder hasn't asked for one?


3. Sharing your research data


1. Do I need to share my research data?


2. I have code rather than data - do I need to share this?


3. How can I promote the availability of my data?


4. Are there any examples on what I should include in my acknowledgement/data availability statement?


4. Training


1. Do you provide any training in data management?

The following are key services in the support of research data management within the University:


Research & Innovation Services

Legal Services

Research Governance Office


There are excellent RDM training resources freely available on the web. This is just a selection.

General Introductions

  • Introducing Research Data
    • This resource is freely available
    An introduction to research data with case studies in medicine, materials engineering, aerodynamics, chemistry and archaeology.
  • Research Data MANTRA
    • This resource is freely available
    Covers all disciplines. Written by the data experts at EDINA, University of Edinburgh.

Arts & Humanities

Science, Medicine & Engineering

  • EMBL-EBI Training
  • Datatree - Data Training

Social Sciences

In addition to the online resources below, the UK Data Service regularly run free introductory level online workshops every spring and autumn to introduce different aspects of the UK Data Service. You can find up-to-date details on their training events page.

Technical seminars

Research Data Management Weekly Q&A

These  (term time) weekly Q&A sessions, run by our specialist research data librarians, are for any member of staff or postgraduate researcher with questions about data management, including data management plans for grant proposals and projects, data storage, post-project sharing of datasets

Postgraduate researchers should ensure they have completed, or almost completed, the Blackboard course on PGR Data Management Plans before attending.

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