In this guide we provide you with resources and services that you can use to get further help with developing your skills for your research project. There is also guidance on support services who are here to help you. There is additional information on resources and service for PhD students.
Click to return to the > Introduction to Research Methods course
Academic writing is one of the most important skills to master at university. Good academic writing refines and focuses the writer's ideas through research and interrogation, then clearly states and properly supports those ideas with effective argumentation and adequate evidence. Achieving a clear, well-argued text requires the development of numerous sub-skills. Take a look at our Academic writing guide where you will find advice and resources to help you improve your writing skills
Half hour appointments are available to support you with your academic writing. When booking, please check the location of your appointment. To check availability and book an appointment, please select Schedule Appointment below.
Planning your dissertation? Not sure where to start? The Dissertation Planner is a step-by-step guide to help you write a dissertation from starting to think about your question through to final submission. There is also a University of Southampton guide to producing your dissertation in Word.
Your subject guide will direct you to the most useful search tools to help you find good quality information for your research, and show you how to make best use of them.
You can also find the contact details for your Academic Engagement Librarian on the guide - they can give you expert advice on anything covered in your subject guide.
Here are a selection of useful books available from the library. You can use the library catalogue to find other books which will be useful for your research project.
This is just a selection of the helpful books (printed and electronic versions) available from the library, you can use the library catalogue to find other books which will be useful for your research project.
The Academic Skills Hub is located on Level 2 in the Hartley library, room 2045. The drop in service provides face to face support to help you develop any area of study skills where you feel you need help.
Drop in Monday to Friday, 10:00 to 16:00, for suport and advice about:
You will find support and advice on our Academic Skills website covering useful study skills such as:
Skills for study - personalise your learning
NHS 999 / 111 | In a medical emergency please call 999 for immediate help. You can call 111 when you need medical help but it’s not a 999 emergency. When you phone 111 your call is handled by an advisor who can advise on what treatment you need. If the advisor believes you need an ambulance they will arrange one for you. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones. |
Student Hub | The Student Hub can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are dedicated to supporting students through their journey at the University of Southampton. Contact the Student Hub by calling +44(0)23 80599 599 or emailing |
The Samaritans | The Samaritans is a national organisation that you can call or email in confidence if something is troubling you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To contact them please call +44(0)845 790 9090 or email |
University Security | The University of Southampton Security Service operates 24 hours a day every day of the year and is always available to assist students, staff and visitors. Further information and contact details: University Security |
National Oceanography Centre Security | The NOCS Security service at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton are based in the North wing on level 4 of the NOCS building. Guards can be contacted +44(0)23 8059 6999 or ext. 26999. Security operates 24 hours a day every day of the year. Further information and contact details: NOCS Security |
Student Safety | This website is a collaborative effort between the University of Southampton and Hampshire Police. Here you can find official, reliable information on how to keep safe from various issues that could arise during your time at University, as well as where you can find support if you need it. |
Report + Support Tool |
Students and staff at the University of Southampton can use the Report and Support tool to report an incident of discrimination, harrassment, or hate. This tool allows you to share as little or as much as you like, anonymously or with details. A trained advisor will then be in touch to offer specialist support and guidance about future steps. |
Student Support Hub |
The Student Hub is your first point of contact for questions and concerns relating to fees, financial support, accommodation, wellbeing, disability, careers and course administration. |
Student Disability and Inclusion |
The specialist support offered through Student Disability and Inclusion focuses on disability equality and levelling the playing field for disabled students. The focus of the team is on recommending individual reasonable adjustments that may be applied to teaching, learning and all aspects of University life so that disabled students can fully participate and enjoy the benefits, facilities and services. Book appointments and contact information: Student Disability and Inclusion Assistive Technology (AT) facilities and spaces for students registered with Student Disability and Inclusion are available at each campus throughout the university Further information about supporting students and guidance on reasonable adjustments can be found under Supporting students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) . |
Student Wellbeing |
The Student Wellbeing Team offer proactive wellbeing support including workshops to support students to develop skills for good wellbeing and events to foster a sense of community and connection. Wellbeing chats: students can book a Wellbeing Chat (available 24/7) with an advisor at any time – day or night - to discuss their wellbeing concerns and explore options for support. Specialist wellbeing support: the Student Wellbeing Team will continue to help students to access further support where required. This may include:
Student Support Reviews: a collaborative and supportive meeting between the student, the Wellbeing Team, and the Faculty to consider fitness to study Further details and contact information: Student Wellbeing |
Togetherall |
Togetherall is a 24/7/365, anonymous, online mental health and wellbeing service. It is freely available to all staff and students at the University of Southampton. Members join our community anonymously for support with a wide range of mental health and wellbeing issues, from anxiety, depression, and isolation, to relationship issues and lifestyle challenges. Sign up to Togetherall using your University email address (example: Once signed up you can change your name and set your own password to safe guard anonymity. |
Faith and Reflection Centre |
The Chaplains and faith advisors offer a listening ear, one step removed from the University, to people of all faiths and none, for students and staff. The Chaplains are based at the Highfield campus in the Faith and Reflection Centre but will happily meet up at a time and place convenient to you. If you want to speak to someone from a particular faith tradition they can contact one of the Faith Advisors for you or you can reach out to them through the listed contacts on their webpages. Further details and contact information: Faith and Reflection Centre |
University of Southampton Student's Union (SUSU) Advice Centre |
The Advice Centre can help students with free, independent and confidential advice including housing and financial advice. Advice Centre can help students with emotional support. They also deal with queries about academic integrity appeals, complaints, and special considerations and / or extensions. Further details and contact information: Advice Centre |
MIND | MIND provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. MIND provides information on a range of topics including:
Further information and contact details: MIND Helplines |
Academic Writing |
Academic writing is one of the most important skills to master for success in higher education. Further details: Academic Writing |
Academic Skills Hub |
Our advisors are available to help answer your questions with guidance and advice on study skills including giving presentations, making notes, learning from lectures and effective reading skills. Advisors can also give general advice on planning and writing dissertations and essays. We also have support pages to help you with studying online. |
iSolutions |
iSolutions support students and staff with general help or advice with IT and problems with University IT systems or services. For example accessing University network accounts; connect to WiFi; remote access (VPN); advice on printing, scanning copying and problems with print credit accounts. Further details and contact information: iSolutions |
Library research skills |
Our expert team of library staff can help you make the most of the extensive digital and print resources whether you are a student, a researcher or member of staff. You can contact us using and we can help you with:
We will email you with advice or arrange an appointment with one of our library experts to discuss your enquiry in more detail. Further details: Library Research Skills |
Maths and statistics support |
We offer support and guidance to all students at the University of Southampton on a variety of mathematical and statistical topics. Take a look at our Mathematical Skills webpages to view the range of support available. Activities available include one-to-one tutorials, workshops, drop-in forum and a range of resources. |
Personal and Senior Tutor |
Your Personal Academic Tutor is allocated to on your arrival at the University and they are normally a member of academic staff in your own or a closely related subject area. Your Personal Academic Tutor will offer one-to-one support and advice throughout your time at the University, and will support you in your studies or with other issues you may have. How to find out who your PAT is: To check who your PAT is, you’ll need to log into your Student Record (Banner Self Service). You can access this through our SUSSED intranet. 1. Log in using your University username and password. 2. Navigate through the Student Services tab, then Student Records, and you will find the Student Information (General Student Record) link: 3. Select the current year from the Term dropdown menu 4. Click on Primary Advisor / Type Further details about the role of Personal Academic Tutors and how you can work best with your tutor: Personal Academic Tutors Senior Tutor You will also have access to a Senior Tutor or equivalent for your discipline or Faculty. You will need to find out from your Faculty who these are and how to contact them. The Senior Tutor is another experienced member of academic staff who offers an additional layer of support for you as a student. Depending on what faculty you are in, you may find that the role of the Senior Tutor is at faculty, campus, year of study, Academic Unit or other level as decided by that faculty. The Senior Tutor will be able to offer general advice and information relating to further sources of assistance. Further details and contact information: Student offices |
Academic Transitions Support Toolkit for staff | Academic Transitions Support Toolkit - This resource is aimed at supporting staff in guiding their students. Click on the + symbols to open up more information. All of these pages and resources are also available through the five accessible links under the map. |
Faculty Student Hub |
The Faculty Student Hubs provide information on all aspects of study for your specific course including timetables, marking, Turnitin, eAssignments, and advice on additional support/special considerations. You can access your Faculty Student Hub via Blackboard. Head to the How to Guides + Forms area for more specific information. |
Skills for Study |
Skills for Study is an online modular resource. Each module consists of a series of interactive screens filled with advice and activities to help you build specific study skills including referencing and understanding plagiarism, critical thinking, group work, presentations and confidence with numbers. There is also a helpful ‘Getting ready for Academic Study’ module particularly aimed at new students. You can work though the resource at your own pace. There is an optional test at the beginning of each module to assess your current proficiency and a module assessment to measure your progress and help you to plan your next steps. If you prefer you can go straight to a section to build a specific skill. Each section of a module takes between 20 – 40 minutes to complete. Click on the logo to login. |
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Toolkit |
A set of online learning resources in English for Academic Purposes primarily for international students although this can be useful for all students who need support with their academic English skills. Includes sections on academic writing, reading and critical thinking, grammar and a dissertation toolkit. The resources are interactive and contain multimedia learning activities. All activities are supported by feedback including answers, examples, explanations and other forms of help so that they can be used independently. They can be accessed at any time from within the University or from home through Blackboard. Access here at EAP Toolkit |
Specialist Study Support |
Specialist study skills for students with a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia are offered by specialist practitioners
Information about one to one study support offered: Specialist Study Support
Further information about supporting students and guidance on reasonable adjustments can be found under Supporting students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) .
Careers and Employability |
Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise staff offer careers information, advice and guidance including: work experience; CV and job applications; interview skills; psychometric and aptitude tests; internships and placements; further study options. Staff can help direct you to a range of online resources, workshops, presentations and one-to-one discussions to help you research and reach your career goals. Further details and contact information: Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise |
The Centre for Language Study (CLS) |
The Centre for Language Study (CLS) provides language learning for staff and students across the University including. Further details and contact information: Centre for Language Study |
Academic Centre for International Students (ACIS),
Academic Language Skills Advising |
Academic Centre for International Students (ACIS) is University of Southampton's hub for language and cultural support for international students. ACIS delivers courses including the International Foundation Year, Pre-Masters, English for Academic Studies, and Pre-sessional Programmes, as well as English Language Stages, In-sessional Language Support and many other initiatives. Further details and contact information: Academic Centre for International Students (ACIS)
Academic Language Skills Advising (ALSA) - this service can support you if your first language is not English and you have questions about academic language skills that native English speakers already feel confident with OR you may be a native speaker who just feels they would like to have some extra time with someone who can answer questions related to academic language skills. Session location: ACIS Tutorial Room 2019, Level 2, Avenue Campus (B65) Day and time: Mondays and Thursdays 10 - 12 noon; Wednesdays 1 - 3pm (term time only) Book a session (online or in-person) with a member of the team here |
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Toolkit |
A set of online learning resources in English for Academic Purposes primarily for international students although this can be useful for all students who need support with their academic English skills. Includes sections on academic writing, reading and critical thinking, grammar and a dissertation toolkit. The resources are interactive and contain multimedia learning activities. All activities are supported by feedback including answers, examples, explanations and other forms of help so that they can be used independently. They can be accessed at any time from within the University or from home through Blackboard. Access here at EAP Toolkit |
International students' Libguide |
Library services have developed this Libguide to help you, whether you are a student or a member of staff, either based in Southampton or abroad.
Email for more information. |
Cost of living SharePoint site for all University of Southampton students
The Cost of living pages bring together the support that the University and Students' Union are providing, along with links to national and community support. Includes information on food and shopping, health and wellbeing, work opportunities, leisure, study facilities and technology grants.
Financial wellbeing and support
The University of Southampton can offer support for your financial wellbeing, whether it is learning how to budget or accessing financial support. There is also guidance on application forms for support - students can review eligibility criteria and submit an application. You can find out more here Financial wellbeing and support
Book an appointment with an advisor
If you would like to discuss the Student Support Fund, the UoS bursary or have any questions around supporting living costs then you can book an online or in-person appointment with the Financial Support Team here.
Making the most of your money
Find out how to budget, save and make your money work for you with hints and tips for wellbeing here. The University also partners with Blackbullion a financial education website geared towards students in higher education. Students can register for a free account with Blackbullion to access helpful budgeting tools, articles and learning pathways.
Student Support Fund
To find out more about the Student Support Fund and how to apply read through the information on this page which contains lots of useful links and frequently asked questions.
University of Southampton Student's Union (SUSU) - Finance support
The SUSU Advice Centre provides free, independent and confidential support to all students. Please check our guides about Finance. If the online guides don’t answer your questions, please contact the Advice Centre team at
Guide to University Life
The University of Southampton Global Legal Clinic, together with the UoS Social Mobility Network and JLAP (Junior Lawyers Against Poverty) have produced a guide for other students containing helpful information and links to legal assistance in - A Guide to University Life.
In the guide, students will find information and links relating to employment, housing, academic issues, finance, social mobility, and health and well-being.
How to research & write a successful PhD [electronic resource] by Kathleen McMillan
If you are a PhD student go to our theses guide for information including thesis templates, guidance on e-theses and how to find theses.
The Doctoral College is the hub of the University's vibrant and inspiring doctoral research community. It is the focal point for doctoral training and researcher development, supporting our postgraduate researchers through: