This page contains useful journals for Algebra, Geometry & Topology. They are all available online unless stated otherwise.
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Algebra and logic
Algebra colloquium
Algebraic and geometric topology
Algebras and representation theory
Annals of combinatorics
Annals of global analysis and geometry
Applied categorical structures
Balkan journal of geometry and its applications
Chaos, solitons and fractals
Communications in algebra
Computational geometry
Computer aided geometric design
Conformal geometry and dynamics
Designs, codes, and cryptography
Differential geometry and its applications
Discrete & computational geometry
Electronic journal of combinatorics
European journal of combinatorics
Finite fields and their applications
Fuzzy sets and systems
Games and economic behavior
Geometriae dedicata
Geometry and topology
Graphical models
Graphs and combinatorics
Homology, homotopy, and applications
International journal of game theory
Journal of algebra
Journal of algebraic combinatorics
Journal of combinatorial designs
Journal of combinatorial theory: series A
Journal of combinatorial theory: series B
Journal of complexity
Journal of differential geometry
Journal of geometry
Journal of geometry and physics
Journal of graph algorithms and applications
Journal of graph theory
Journal of group theory
Journal of integer sequences
Journal of logic and algebraic programming
Journal of number theory
Journal of pure and applied algebra
Linear algebra and its applications
Linear and multilinear algebra
Numerical linear algebra with applications
Representation theory
Semigroup forum
Theory and applications of categories
Topology and its applications
Transformation groups