This page contains useful journals for Operational Research & Actuarial Science. They are all available online unless stated otherwise.
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Annals of Actuarial Science
Annals of operations research
Applied mathematics and optimization
British Actuarial Journal
Central european journal of operations research
Computers & mathematics with applications
Computers and operations research
Econometric reviews
Econometric theory
Econometrics journal
European journal of operational research
Games and economic behavior
INFORMS journal on computing (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)
Insurance: mathematics and economics
International journal of computer mathematics
International journal of game theory
International journal of stochastic analysis
International transactions in operational research
Journal of applied econometrics
Journal of econometrics
Journal of mathematical economics
Journal of mathematical modelling and algorithms in operations research
Journal of mathematical psychology
Journal of time series analysis
Journal of the Operational Research Society
Mathematical and computer modelling
Mathematical finance
Mathematical methods of operations research
Mathematical social sciences
Mathematics and computers in simulation
Mathematics of computation
Mathematics of operations research
Naval research logistics
Operations research
Operations research letters
Review of economics and statistics
Scandinavian actuarial journal
Stochastic models
Stochastic processes and their applications
Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes