This page contains useful journals for Statistics. They are all available online unless stated otherwise.
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Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré: section B calcul des probabilités et statistique
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse non linéaire (Section C)
Annals of applied probability
Annals of probability
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Annals of statistics
Australian and New Zealand journal of statistics
Biometrical journal
British journal of mathematical and statistical psychology
Canadian journal of statistics
Communications in statistics A: theory and methods
Communications in statistics B: simulation and computation
Computational statistics
Computational statistics and data analysis
Digest of environmental statistics
Graphical models
Graphs and combinatorics
Homology, homotopy, and applications
International statistical review
Journal of applied mathematics and stochastic analysis
Journal of applied statistics
Journal of classification
Journal of computational and graphical statistics
Journal of development studies
Journal of graph theory
Journal of mathematics and statistics
Journal of modern applied statistical methods
Journal of multivariate analysis
Journal of nonparametric statistics
Journal of official statistics
Journal of statistical computation and simulation
Journal of statistical planning and inference
Journal of statistical software
Journal of statistics education
Journal of theoretical probability
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. series A (statistics in society)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. series B statistical methodology
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. series C applied statistics
Journal of time series analysis
Lifetime data analysis
Mathematical social sciences
Methodology and computing in applied probability
Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics
Population review
Population studies
Probability surveys
Probability theory and related fields
Review of economics and statistics
Scandinavian journal of statistics: theory and applications
Statistica Neerlandica
Statistical inference for stochastic processes
Statistical methodology
Statistical papers
Statistical science
Statistics and computing
Statistics and probability letters
Statistics education research journal
Statistics in medicine
Statistics: a journal of theoretical and applied statistics
Stochastic models
Stochastic processes and their applications
Stochastics: an international journal of probability and stochastic processes
Teaching statistics