This page contains useful journals for Analysis, Optimisation and Differentiation. They are all available online unless stated otherwise.
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ACM transactions on mathematical software
Advances in difference equations
Analysis and applications
Analysis mathematica
Annual reviews in control
Applicable analysis
Applied and computational harmonic analysis
Applied mathematical modelling
Applied mathematics and computation
Applied mathematics and optimization
Applied numerical mathematics
Artificial intelligence
BIT numerical mathematics
Boundary value problems
Bulletin of mathematical biology
CALCOLO : a quarterly on numerical analysis and theory of computation
Calculus of variations and partial differential equations
Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems
Communications in partial differential equations
Computational complexity
Computational optimization and applications
Constructive approximation
Differential equations
Differential equations & nonlinear mechanics
Discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science
Discrete optimization
Dynamics of partial differential equations
Electronic journal of differential equations
Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations
Electronic transactions on numerical analysis
Engineering analysis with boundary elements
Fixed point theory and applications
Foundations of computational mathematics
Functional analysis and its applications
Fuzzy optimization and decision making
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems
IMA journal of numerical analysis
Integral equations and operator theory
International journal of approximate reasoning
International journal of computer mathematics
International journal of forecasting
International journal of systems science
Journal of global optimization
Journal of algorithms
Journal of applied mathematics and stochastic analysis
Journal of approximation theory
Journal of chemometrics
Journal of combinatorial optimization
Journal of computational and applied mathematics
Journal of difference equations and applications
Journal of differential equations
Journal of dynamical and control systems
Journal of dynamics and differential equations
Journal of fixed point theory and Its applications
Journal of functional analysis
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications
Journal of mathematical biology
Journal of mathematical modelling and algorithms in operations research
Journal of nonlinear science
Journal of optimization theory and applications
LMS journal of computation and mathematics
Macromolecular theory and simulations
Mathematical and computer modelling
Mathematical biosciences
Mathematical programming
Mathematics and computers in simulation
Mathematics of computation
Mathematics of control, signals, and systems (MCSS)
Nonlinear analysis
Nonlinear analysis: real world applications
Nonlinear differential equations and applications
Numerical methods for partial differential equations
Numerische mathematik
Optimal control applications and methods
Optimization methods & software
Parallel computing
Physica D: nonlinear phenomena
Potential analysis
Random structures and algorithms
Set-valued analysis
SIAM journal on control and optimization
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis
SIAM journal on numerical analysis
SIAM journal on optimization
Stochastic models
Stochastic processes and their applications
Stochastics: an international journal of probability and stochastic processes
Systems and control letters
Theoretical computer science