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Health Services Library for NHS Staff: OpenAthens


What Is OpenAthens?

OpenAthens is a username and password system. It lets websites know which Trust you work for - and if we subscribe to their content, they will let you access it.

Can I Access Every OpenAthens Resource?

No. Just because you see an "OpenAthens login" option, doesn't mean you can access it - we need to be a subscriber to that resource.

How Do I Register For OpenAthens?

Register for an OpenAthens account.

If possible, register using an NHS email address, or using a computer on an NHS network (this means your eligibility can be checked automatically, and your account activated immediatedly).

What Resources Can I Access With OpenAthens?

This is a list of OpenAthens resources that you can access.

Do I Have to Re-Register If I Move Trust?

No. You can take your OpenAthens account with you if you move Trust - just log in and alter the Trust you work for in your account.