Step 1:
Register online for an NHS OpenAthens account if you haven't registered already. If an article isn't freely available, your OpenAthens account might give you access to full text.
If we don't subscribe to the journal, move to Step 2.
Step 2
Our inter-library loans service can obtain the article for you. You'll need to be a registered member of the library.
e-LfH is an NHS website with a wide range of online tutorials related to many aspects of your work. It includes a section on literature searching with seven modules:
The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub connects NHS staff and learners to high quality knowledge and evidence resources in one place.
It includes a powerful, semantic search plus advanced and PICO search options.
Full access is free to all NHS staff and learners using your NHS OpenAthens account.
Don’t yet have an account? Register for NHS OpenAthens
Support materials for advanced searching on following databases
EBSCO Interface
Ovid Interface
ProQuest Interface