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We subscribe to thousands of online resources and sometimes, you might be asked to input your university username and password before you can access them. Find our guide to accessing online Library resources off-campus.
Find out more about borrowing books from our library guide.
Includes information about:
Use Library Search. the library catalogue to find books
The National Oceanographic Library houses the Ocean and Earth Science collection of undergraduate [3rd year project] and taught masters [Thesis (Masters)] dissertations. The dissertations written in the most recent few years up to 2019 are shelved in the library at the end of the books sequence. All of the dissertations up to 2019 are listed in the library catalogue
Dissertations from 2020 onwards are stored as electronic versions on the SOES Dissertations SharePoint site - [request permission to assess the site. Please note that this SharePoint site is maintained by the School of Ocean and Earth Science.]
The National Oceanographic Library holds print copies of all the Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton doctoral level theses in our archives; these are listed on the library catalogue and many of these are now also available online from ePrints Soton Please ask staff at the Help Desk if you need to see a printed copy of a thesis.
Open Access Books
The term ‘open access book’ covers a wide range of long-form academic publications, including books, monographs, edited collections, handbooks, textbooks or reference works.
This subject guide includes a selection of subject related Open Access Books and publications.
If we do not have the book that you are searching for you can use Library Search to ask us to find a copy from another library. Our Inter-library loan webpage has further information on how to use this service.
See our section of this subject guide for further information about Open Access books and publications that are freely available on the internet
The National Oceanographic Library uses an in-house classification scheme
If you need assistance finding materials please speak to library staff at the Help Desk at the National Oceanographic Library who will be pleased to help you.
The floor plan of the National Oceanographic Library shows the layout of the collections across the floors of the library.
These guides explain how to find and locate books, printed journals, reports and Loose Papers at NOL.
email us if there is a book that you think we should buy for the National Oceanographic Library.
Academic staff
If you need a book for a specific module that you teach add the details to your online reading list, see the step-by-step guide for further help.