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Information about theses at Southampton: thesis templates, guidance on e-theses, how to find theses


There are currently two different systems running for depositing your thesis.

  • If you registered your intention to submit via PGRManager, use this link for practical guidance on how to submit your thesis and thesis data into Pure.
  • If you registed your intention to submit before May 2022, you should continue to submit your thesis via the Faculty office as explained here.

Publishing from your thesis

It is possible to add bibliographic information about the articles and books published from a thesis to the ePrints record. If you later want to add extra information to your thesis ePrints entry you should contact the ePrints team, email:

Some publishers may object to the thesis being so publicly available before they publish any articles or books based on research in the thesis. However, most journal publishers do not view a thesis as prior publication; our using your own publications in your thesis guide provides a list of academic publishers and their prior publication policies.

If you have not finished publishing from the thesis you may request that the thesis be embargoed however we only recommend that the thesis should be embargoed if you are planning to turn your thesis into an academic monograph (book).

Finding Theses

You can search ePrints Soton, our institutional repository to find theses from the University of Southampton. Use the Advanced Search option, select Thesis as the item type, and select your School or Group or search by keyword.

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