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Theses: Training

Information about theses at Southampton: thesis templates, guidance on e-theses, how to find theses


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Table of Contents

Restricting access to your theses

The University would encourage that wherever possible your thesis (PhD, MPhil) is made available immediately. This presentation covers the situations where you can restrict access to your thesis by applying an embargo. The embargo has to be agreed with your supervisor and approved by the Director your your Graduate School. In limited circumstances embargoes can be extended, but require the approval of the Director of the Doctoral College.

Duration: 21 min

theses and embargoes

I've submitted my final thesis - what happens next?

You can find out what happens to your final thesis after you have submitted it to the Graduate School, how it becomes a public document and is indexed in the British Library EThOS database and Proquests Dissertations and Theses Global Index.

N.B. This video covers the procress in place before May 2022 for non-PGRManager submission.

Duration: 5 min

what happens to your theses

Thesis and Copyright

This presentation looks at copyright and your thesis. It includes an introduction to what copyright is, to copyright exceptions that apply to theses and the copyright declarations and statements you are required to make when submitting your thesis.

You will need to login to view this presentation.

Duration:25 mins

theses and copyright

Third Party Copyright

This presentation goes through the steps of requesting permission to use third party copyright material in your work where you have found it in a journal article or a book. The examples given show how to make a request to clear material to include in a thesis, but  this is the same process that you need to follow to clear copyright in material that you want to include in a paper or book. [The Copyright Clearance Center website has an updated look now (October 2023) but still operates in the same way]

Duration: 11 min

third party copyright how to get permission

Using UoS Thesis Templates

 Microsoft Word Word Template Help

iSolutions have created a training guide to introduce the Word template for theses and show you how to use a range of useful Word features to make creating and working with your thesis easier. These also direct you to relevant LinkedIn videos on the use of features in Word.

iSolutions also offer sessions on using Word to work with text, graphics and page layout in your thesis. The full course schedule and booking links can be found in the PGR Development Hub

LaTeX Templates

Support for the use of LaTeX can be found on the Overleaf website. LaTeX is  also supported by a wide online community - see LaTeX Project.